
Learning by heart is not difficult - but understanding the rules is.
You have some specific questions about the theory or you are faced with a special
Do you have a problem with issues such as giving way to the right, traffic signals or lane changes?
No problem! Sign up with me for a private "theory" lesson and we'll get to the bottom of the problems.
This way you know exactly what's going on and stay calmer later, even in hectic situations on the road.
Duration 1 lesson a 50 minutes, Cost CHF 50.-
The way to the theory exam
After your application for a learner's permit has been confirmed and you feel ready, you can call the
Register for the theory test at the Road Traffic Office. With a total of 15 or fewer demerit points, you have passed the test.
You can make an appointment at the road traffic office in your canton of residence.
Theory exam
In 45 minutes you have to answer 50 questions on the computer. You will find out whether you have passed immediately after the exam.
Theory exam passed
You will receive your learner's permit by post within a few days.
Theory exam not passed
You can repeat the theory test as often as you like. You will have to pay the registration fee again for each additional exam.
Off to the streets
The learner's permit is valid for 2 years and entitles you to accompanied driving. Further information on driving from 17i can be found at here
Since 1.1.2021, training courses once completed and examinations passed are in principle valid indefinitely.
This means that since this date, the theory test is valid without restriction.